Nonprofit executive Rose Padilla Johnson has worked with organizations serving San Leandro families for nearly 30 years. On December 1, 2020, Rose Padilla Johnson, the Davis Street Community Center, and other nonprofit organizations based in San Leandro and across the country celebrated Giving Tuesday.

Giving Tuesday falls on the first Tuesday after Thanksgiving and was founded as a counterweight to the consumer-focused holiday period, which includes Black Friday and Cyber Monday. In 2012, the United Nations Foundation first established Giving Tuesday to encourage generosity and charitable contributions. Over time, the holiday has gained popularity throughout the United States, and it is now celebrated worldwide.

In 2019, nonprofits collectively raised more than half a billion dollars on Giving Tuesday. The holiday has also been observed by major corporations, including eBay and Facebook, the latter of which has offered matching contributions worth millions of dollars every year since 2017. Social media has also helped raise the holiday's profile. In 2019, the term "Giving Tuesday" was mentioned on social media platforms more than 20 billion times.
History of Giving Tuesday

History of Giving Tuesday


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